Remember Bogart in The Treasure of Sierra Madre and Mel Brook’s Blazing Saddles. Sorta turns out we really do-but not always. The typical residential Security Alarm Systems of today are easy to use and provide a valuable function. But, there are still a significant number of false alarms. Some are caused by careless operation, by domestic help, weather, and others caused by a myriad of other things.
Problem is; whatever the cause local Police still may respond and they are not Key-Holders. This can get expensive and take them away from their, arguably , more important function(s).
What other options do you have? Some Key-Holder must go as the downside risk of not going is too great to assume it’s just another false alarm. You could ask a neighbor, maybe a relative who lives close by, or just go yourself – assuming you have the time, training, and nothing else to do.
Anyway you slice it, some Key-Holder must respond and investigate the cause or your Security Alarm System has worked in vain. After all, why pay for a monthly Monitoring Fee and not get some value out of it.
A viable option is to enlist the services of a professional Key-Holding Service. Their on duty 24x7x365 and are trained to handle any eventually. And, most importantly have access to the interior where the cause can be investigated and resolved.